Brook Contraception Tool
Brook are the UK’s leading sexual health and well-being experts, equipping young people with the skills and information they need to make positive and healthy lifestyle choices and to improve their sexual health and wellbeing.
The Challenge: To create an informative educational contraceptive tool aimed at people under 25. The tool needed to be inclusive for all users including LGBTQ+ users and those with disabilities, both in terms of how it functions and the information it provides. It needed to present contraception options in an honest and unbiased way responding to the user’s priorities, needs and contraception history.
The tool is a multiple choice questionnaire with starting routes based on the user’s gender and life preferences. Dependent on the user’s answers to each question they will be shown a tailored results screen showing methods in a traffic light rated format, as well as displaying key information for the user about the different methods.
Brook would like their colleagues in the clinical and education sectors to see this as a valuable resource to direct young people. Important themes that need to come through include effectiveness, side effects and impact on mental health, environmental impact, cost, longevity, ease of access, additional benefits (e.g., protection against STIs).
You can see the project working here: